Digital Detox, disconnect from the digital world

Digital detox doesn’t imply complete technology deprivation, nor does it limit itself to using only its basic functions, but rather to make conscious use of all the resources that it provides.

Digital distractions are often used as a means to fill the void of a hectic life.

We often say, “I don’t have time” as an excuse for not managing our lives efficiently.

For example, we spend more time than necessary at work due to continuous interruptions caused by chats, non-urgent emails, unnecessary and unproductive conference calls.

Silence, on the other hand, has become a luxury we deny ourselves – a post-modern luxury from which we feel we cannot afford to enjoy.

In fact, the need for silence and pause has been overshadowed, making us believe that those who pause are destined to miss out.

We are constantly pushed towards frenetic action, convinced that productivity is measured only in terms of what we do and how busy we are.

However, it is crucial to remember that finding moments of quiet and reflection is essential for our well-being and a balanced life.

From FOMO, the acronym for fear of missing out.

ToJOMO, the acronym for “Joy Of Missing Out”.

JOMO is a concept contrary to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

Jomo It is spending time wisely and having a balanced daily routine, especially in correlation to each person’s relationship with their smartphone.

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