
An event is sustainable only when “it is designed, planned and carried out in such a way to zero or at least minimize the negative impact on the environment and leave a positive legacy to the hosting community.”
Our events follow this philosophy, defining environmental, social and economic goals.
We’ve identified necessary resources and actions to be taken, creating a Sustainability Management System with a dedicated team for monitoring sustainable practices.
Our approach actively involves stakeholders, informing them about the environmental, social and economic implications of events.
We continuously monitor performance and sustainability indicators to identify areas for improvement.
The main objective is to optimize the use of natural resources, generating economic and social benefits for the local community.
We are committed to reducing environmental impact, promoting recycling, renewable energy and raising awareness among participants about sustainability.
In summary, our Sustainability Management System allows us to organize events that minimize the environmental impact and leave a positive legacy to the hosting community.
This is our mantra.

Why? Because we are NIQA!

Code of Ethics

NIQA considers social responsibility a key factor for success valued toward all its stakeholders. Therefore, this Code of Ethics aims to define the set of values and ethical and moral rules that NIQA recognizes as fundamental, forming the basis for its strategies and corporate policies.
This Code of Ethics has been drafted so that every individual can identify with the concept of “corporate ethics” promoted by NIQA through a shared language, which concretely guides the actions of everyone in the direction of corporate ethics defined by common inspiring principles and guiding values.
It outlines the principles on which the company’s ethics are based, offering individual operational tools to correctly orient their behavior in every situation.

Why? Because we are NIQA!
rights and wrongs text on wooden sign outdoors.